Monday, September 9, 2013

Antoinette sketch-Bagisha Mandal(part 1) 1114218

This sketch calls ones attention the posture of confinement and suppression of the self and sexuality, in restricted lines drawn around the figure. Antoinette’s personality and sense of self was constrained exactly so. It almost goes to show how Antoinette’s desire to grow; her emotions etc was to be contained. As if the darker side of the female self was to be suppressed until the body was completely bent inward.
 As we do know this character has shown emotion very self-consciously. Her anger, her desire for her husband (Mr. Rochester), her need to be loved and taken care of was never fully released until she became Bertha Mason- the mad woman in the attic. It was as bertha did she finally release her pent up longing and desire in the darkest way possible- through burning the mansion down.
This sketch follows ideas of confinement in a set of lines, lines that are around her body and another higher over her entire being. One set of line forms a sort of a triangle another, a square. The triangle can be interpreted as her immediate limitations she feels from people closely associated to her, that is, her family, husband and servants. While the larger lines forming the square maybe interpreted the society, that is, the Victorian society and the Negro society of her birth place. Both the societies looked at Antoinette as an odd creature not belonging to a specific one origin. The fact of her looks being English and behaviour and attitude the opposite, lead these society of people to judge and condemn her harshly and critically. Thus Antoinette repressed her true behaviour and emotions even more so.

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